Embrace the AWESOME! Be a part of the Reading
Would you like to increase the general awesomeness in the world around you?
You can do it by forming your own RaD group!
Here is how to get started:
1) Acknowledge your inner awesome and commit yourself to the position of RaD facilitator
2) Collect some short articles that are of interest to you (and others)
-Keeping to short articles can increase attendance as participants will not view reading the paper as a large time committment
3) Send a mass email to your colleagues and friends (if you are in an academic department this is quite easy) inviting them to read the article and meet at a designated time and place to have a relaxed conversation.
-It helps to have a clever name or acronym for your proposed session
-It also helps to bribe them with cookies and coffee
4) Continuously scout for interesting articles and build up a backlog of papers while holding weekly RaD sessions
5) Report the weekly articles and your RaD group name to us and we will post them here.
-This way all groups can see the various papers RaDed in one place!
6) Enjoy the camaraderie and expanding breadth of knowledge you've helped to create!
7) Tell others so that they can be awesome too!
Some helpful links for finding articles:
Scientific American
Science Magazine
Nature Geoscience
Have questions on getting started?
Send email to:
RaD Network